Darcet Microelectronics




Current News

My name is Soori, and I am the Chief Executive Officer of IR Sensors Systems Pte. Ltd. (IRS). I would like to inform everyone that the administrative duty of this website is taken over by IR Sensors & Systems LLC (to be). IRS allocated this website to Darcet Microelectronics in the past. Darcet Suzhou / Darcet microelectronics had signed a “Technology Purchasing Agreement” with IRS on July 3rd, 2019. Since then, the IRS was working under the umbrella of Darcet Suzhou / Darcet microelectronics, at least that is what the IRS management perceived from Mr. Soh Boon Wah & Jane Soh. However, due to some unhinged activities of Darcet Suzhou, the IRS has terminated all its business relationship with Darcet Suzhou. Therefore, this website is no longer functional and brought down once the objective of IRS is completed. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming days.

我的名字是Soori,我是IR Sensors & Systems Pte. Ltd. (IRS)的首席执行官。我想通知大家,这个网站的行政职责已经由IR Sensors & Systems LLC (即将成立)接管。IRS以前将这个网站分配给了Darcet Microelectronics。Darcet Suzhou / Darcet Microelectronics于2019年7月3日与IRS签署了一份“技术购买协议”。从那时起,IRS一直在Darcet Suzhou / Darcet Microelectronics的旗下工作,至少这是IRS管理层从Soh Boon Wah先生和Jane Soh那里的感知。然而,由于Darcet Suzhou的一些不受控制的活动,IRS已经终止了与Darcet Suzhou的所有业务关系。因此,这个网站已经不再可用,一旦IRS的目标完成,将会完全关闭。请关注未来几天的更多更新。


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  • May 2020: Darcet provided food supplies for 30 less privileged families in Tanjore (Tanjavur), India
  • May 2020: Darcet provided food supplies for 30 less privileged families in Cebu, Philippines.